Modern Philosophy, Moral PHilosophy, David Hume, National Characters
According to Hume one thing is certain, that national characters – like individual and professional characters – do not depend on «physical» but only on «moral» causes. Then, why not the same with animals? Hume has a certain familiarity with horses, even with priests and soldiers, but none with «negroes». With devotion priests judge him «very unfit» for the chair of moral philosophy; with comradeship soldiers receive him among them and he calls them «our family»: «friends or confidents whom you can be free with in seriis et in jocis». Horses, with the help of Strabo, show themselves dependent on «moral» causes, on «the skill and care in rearing them» (not only on «the different breeds»). On the contrary, «negroes» may cause some philosophical troubles. The problem can be solved only by nature and parrots. Four footnotes to Of National Characters, and their variations, compose a fine embarrassing piece, especially for the philosopher of human nature.