Ingenuità, disoccultamento, afferramento

Prospettive chiaroscurali dell’intuire in Eugen Fink


  • Annamaria Pacilio Università Napoli “Federico II”, Università di Bonn



Intuition, Transcendental Method, Specularity, Disclosure, Symbolic Play


This paper aims at analysing the role of the intuitive knowledge in Fink’s phenomenology, comparing two different aspects: on the one hand, the intuition as overriding access to the primigenial phenomenological-ontological ground; on the other hand, the intuitive life of the natural attitude as ingenuous form of conceptualization, in which the obvious steers the focus on the worldly perception. Within this ambiguity, Fink’s perspective vouches for a transcendental circuit that proceeds from the took-for-granted life towards a self-conscious movement, reaching an (enlightened) obscure fundament, which is the most intuitive and spontaneous symbolon. Starting from his early production – especially thematising the “specular result” of the VI Cartesian Meditation – this research overlooks the latest Fink’s Nietzschean-Presocratic motif, in which the intuition appears as the transcendental possibility of an immediate grab on the arché: in this and by this the very human perception is pre-oriented, dismissing logical and conceptual attempts of explanation. After several grades of Enthüllung, this fundament shows itself as the shadiest as much as ambiguous totality, that only the dynamic of a cosmological play can properly interface with.

Author Biography

Annamaria Pacilio, Università Napoli “Federico II”, Università di Bonn

Annamaria Pacilio è dottoranda in Filosofia presso l’Università “Federico II” di Napoli e l’Università di Bonn. Oltre all’attuale ricerca sul metaxy in Platone, si occupa anche di filosofia della tecnica, storia delle religioni e fenomenologia. A seguito della pubblicazione del saggio Parassitismo logico e ordine simbolico. Una rivisitazione dell’ente intermedio nell’ontologia di Platone nel 2020 è redattrice della rivista Kaiak. Fa parte del gruppo di ricerca Mechane e del Centro Studi Giorgio Colli.



