Nuove normatività a partire da Merleau-Ponty: tra dialogo sonoro e disabilità


  • Stella Canonico



Disability Studies, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Normativity, Normalcy, Phenomenology


This work proposes to analyse the themes of norm and normality in relation to the phenomenological models of Disability Studies and starting from the analysis of the dialogo sonoro read through the works of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Georges Canguilhem. The aim is to conceptualise an individual norm that, in order to be, does not have to refer to the categories of the so-called normed subject (thus to pre-established theoretical filters), hence, to examine the gaps in the overlap between the reflections of the phenomenological models of Disability Studies and the work of Merleau-Ponty.


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