ll ruolo dell’intelletto nel processo volitivo e il suo rapporto con la volontà nel pensiero di Giacomo da Viterbo


  • Maddalena Sartini Università degli Studi di Firenze




Medieval Philosophy, James of Viterbo, Will, Intellect, Idoneitas


This paper investigates the relationship that there is between the intellect and the will in the process of volition, according to James of Viterbo. This will start with a brief introduction on James' theory of the will, where will be introduced the notion of idoneitas, a central aspect of his conception of the faculties of the soul. Then, the research will be focused on the role of the intellect in the movement of the will: how it happens, why and how important it is, what causality is involved. The paper will also try to demonstrate the singularity of James' thesis compared with the voluntarist and intellectualist positions, the two most supported positions on this question, together with his research of a via media between them.


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