Between Confucius and Kant: the case of Li Zehou

The Reception of Transcendental Philosophy in China


  • Cosimo Pastia



Li Zehou, Kant, China, Critical Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy, Confucianism, Marxism


The article offers an overview of the reception of Kant's thought in China through the exposition given by Li Zehou, one of the most important scholars of the philosopher from Königsberg. Having set out some fundamental salient points of Chinese thought, the article then proceeds to analyse his most important work, "A new approach to Kant", enucleating its most significant aspects and highlighting the profound distance, harbinger of strident contradictions, between Kant's logical-transcendental matrix and the praxical-dialectical matrix typical of Confucianism. The article thus aims to trace not only the fundamental outcomes of Li's study on Kant, but also the relationship between this with Hegel, Marx and Confucian thought, attempting to reconstruct the genetic motivations of Li's transcendental proposal.


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