Resurrezione digitale

Apocalissi e integrazione


  • Massimo Leone



Digital Resurrection, Semiotics, Ethics and Technology, Cultural Phenomena, Immortality and Incorruptibility


The article interweaves a semiotic analysis of digital ‘resurrection’ technologies with a framework inspired by Umberto Eco’s seminal work Apocalittici e integrati [partial English translation: Apocalypse postponed]. Through this lens, the article explores the polarized reception of digital ‘resurrection’ technologies, akin to Eco’s dialectical categorization of cultural phenomena into apocalyptic criticisms and integrated embrace. By examining the deepfake technology that ‘resurrected’ Joaquin Oliver, a victim of the Parkland school shooting (February 14, 2018), the article delves into the societal and ethical implications of such technologies, echoing Eco’s exploration of mass media’s impact on culture. The article navigates between the apocalyptic view, which warns of the dangers and ethical dilemmas posed by blurring the lines between authenticity and artificiality, and the integrated perspective, which sees potential in leveraging technology for social advocacy and emotional engagement. Through the juxtaposition of Charles S. Peirce’s spiritual notion of immortality and traditional Christian beliefs in physical resurrection, the analysis reveals a contemporary battleground of ideology, where the semiotic implications of digital ‘resurrection’ reflect broader cultural tensions between innovation and tradition. Ultimately, the article posits semiotics as a vital discipline for dissecting the nuanced layers of meaning and impact behind digital ‘resurrection’, mirroring Eco’s call for a critical examination of cultural phenomena within the modern technological landscape.


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