Eco, Superman e la serialità

Dal fumetto alla serie TV: la persistenza delle strutture narra-tive


  • Guglielmo



seriality, Mass culture, Storytelling, Umberto Eco, Serial character


Sixty years after the publication of Umberto Eco's "Apocalyptic and Integrated," his observations on seriality, particularly in comics, remain highly relevant. Eco recognized the importance of serial storytelling in mass culture, highlighting how it builds cyclical forms of repetition that reinforce the mythology of characters without altering their essence. This approach to seriality can also be applied to contemporary productions, such as TV series and new media, where repetition and continuous variation are key to maintaining audience interest. Eco's insights into the dynamic stasis of serial characters and the cyclical structure of narratives offer valuable tools for analyzing today's narrative dynamics, demonstrating the persistence of these structures in the contemporary media landscape. His analyses provide a still-valid framework for understanding modern seriality.


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