La Messa non è finita
Le tecnologie digitali e la promessa del “super”
Virtual reality, Re-enchantment., Disenchantment, Artificial intelligence, Augmented realityAbstract
The digital technologies that pervade our daily lives - artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) - present themselves to us first and foremost as “new”. However, the promises these technologies hold out to us, the desires we hope to fulfil by resorting to them, the imagery they powerfully nurture, and the discourses that narrate them are by no means new. On the contrary, they are rooted in the ground that for millennia has been concretely experienced by human communities in the various experiences of the sacred, the magical and the supernatural, worked far and wide by mythologies, religions and ideologies, and formulated into concepts and dogmas by theological and even political reflection. The contribution aims to examine some case studies in which the application of new image production technologies reveals the theological background of AI, VR and AR, in the dialectic of disenchantment/re-enchantment of experience.References
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