Superman è morto (ma Vincent Marino no)

Luoghi, tipi, topoi e miti nel period drama contemporaneo


  • Andrea Bellavita



Period Drama, Serial Fiction, Topos, Kitsch, Myth


In its investigation of mass culture, Apocalyptics and Integrates proposes a series of reflections and interpretative categories relating to seriality, strongly linked to a precise historical and cultural industry frame. The first objective of the essay is to rethink them, and update them, to apply them to contemporary period drama. From this perspective, the concepts of kitsch, topos and myth take on a completely new value, which goes beyond the context of their original formulation. In particular, we will try to demonstrate that: the period drama is structurally connected to the idea of kitsch, it provides for the co-presence of a narrative topos and a historical topos, it allows for the overcoming of the idea of myth (in terms of death and consummation) thanks to its symptomatic value.


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(Accorsi, Fabbri, Rampoldi, Sardo 2015, Sky Atlantic)

(Accorsi, Fabbri, Rampoldi, Sardo 2017, Sky Atlantic)

(Accorsi, Fabbri, Rampoldi, Sardo 2019, Sky Atlantic)

Band of Brothers (Spielberg & Hanks 2001, HBO

Bridgerton (Van Dusen 2020 -, Netflix)

Crollo della Casa Usher, Il (The Fall of the House of Usher, Flanagan 2023, Netflix)

Dark (Odar, Friese 2017-2020, Netflix)

Deadwood (Milch 2004-2006, HBO)

Deuce, The – Le vie del porno (The Deuce, Simon & Pelecanos 2017-2019, 3s, HBO

Django (Fasoli & Ravagli 2023, Canal+/Sky Atlantic)

Fantastica signora Maisel, La (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Sherman-Palladino 2017-2023, Prime Video)

Griselda (Miro 2024 -, Netflix)

Hill Street Blues (Bochco 1981-1987, NBC)

Legge di Lidia Poët, La (Iuculano & Orsini 2023 -, Netflix)

Masters of the Air (Shiban & Orloff 2024, AppleTV+)

Miami Vice (Yerkovich 1984-1989, NBC)

Oz (Fontana 1997-2003, HBO)

Pacific, The (Spielberg & Hanks 2010, HBO)

Physical (Weisman 2021-2023, AppleTv+)

Regina degli scacchi, La (The Queen’s Gambit, Frank & Scott 2020, Netflix)

Salvate il Soldato Ryan (Saving Private Ryan, Spielberg 1998)

Self-made: la vita di Madam C. J. Walker (Self Made: Inspired by the Life of Madam C.J. Walker, 2020, Netflix)

Soprano, I (The Sopranos, Chase 1999-2007, HBO)

South Park (Parker & Stone 1997 -, Comedy Central)

Succession (Armstrong 2018-2023, 4s, HBO)

Too Old to Die Young (Brubaker & Refn 2019, Prime Video)

Twin Peaks (Lynch & Frost, 1990-1991, 2s, ABC)

Twin Peaks: The Return (Lynch & Frost 2017, Showtime)

Young Pope, The (Sorrentino 2016, Sky Atlantic)



